Sunday, July 31, 2005

A couple of pictures....

I couldn't continue without a picture of the mischievious chinchilla, bubba. Not the best picture of me but a rather cute one of him... I couldn't get him to stay still for more than a couple of seconds.

Me on the left, mom and sister erin, out today at the california grill in good 'ol Whittier.
My family is just so wonderfully amazing, and on days like today I can't help but be incredibley thankful that I have them.


David Cho said...

The top picture makes the cinchilla look realy huge, but it's just a little guy.

Gretchen said...

Yeah, in the picture where he's on my arm, he looks like a small cat, but in reality he's like a small rabbit.
Have you ever seen a chincilla? They're really really soft. Mainly all fur.
If I could have, I would have gotten a dog and some day I may be able to. When I'm not in an apartment.

Is your blog named after your dog?