Thursday, September 15, 2005

"Bubba the terrible" (or, not so terrible but just really cute)....

A couple of pictures of Bubba being especially naughty. The paper he's chewing on he pulled from my desk. He made pretty good work of it.

The picture on the bottom left, is pretty typical of him trying to find a way out of the "play area". If I'm not careful he can jump over pretty much any barrier or sqirm under pretty small openings.


Will De Hart said...

These pictures remind me of our class pet hampster in 3rd grade. I used to squeeze it's tummy and watch his eyes bulge. I was fascinated by that weird dynamic. He survived.

David Cho said...

So is he in a cage or allowed to roam around freely?

Gretchen said...

He's in a chinchilla "condo". It's quite alot of room for one little bubba. I can't let him roam around the house because he chews on cords. I just got back from Best Buy to get a new ethernet cord to replace the one he demolished.