Sunday, June 03, 2007

I just returned from Erin's baby shower over at gma's. I can't wait to meet Erin's little guy come September! It's fun to see my little sister pregnant and happy and I know how much she will enjoy being a mom.
The last couple of weeks Chris and I have been talking about the need to move out closer to where Chris gets most of his work. He will possibly be working everyday in Sherman Oaks starting in late June and the commute can be pretty horrific. We've looked at the cost of apartments and houses (really expensive) and we've just kind of been waiting for the right opportunities to open up. One friend knows someone who may have a rental property somewhere on the other side of the San Fernando valley. Another friend is selling their mobile home in Malibu and we are seriously looking into that option. It's a two bedroom two bath with an office off of the master bedroom. There's a back, side and front yard that is surprisingly spacious and it comes with a ten person jakuzzie (totally usless in my opinion although I may take that back). There are a few obsticles that we are working through this week regarding this place and we will know pretty soon what we are able to do. We love the area of the mobile home community. It backs up to Malibu Creek state park and it's 10 minutes from Chris' Sunday job at the church. We would be so happy if it worked out. It's one of those things that is just close enough to hope for and yet isn't possible just yet.
I'm sure I'll write about it whether we get it or not.


Unknown said...

I think moving closer to Chris' work is a really good idea, and with your skills you will be able to find work anywhere. I would LOVE to live so close to the beach-- I hope it works out for you!

David Cho said...

Malibu sounds wonderful. Sherman Oaks, huh? My old stomping ground.

Hope things work out for ya. I know how crazy housing still is.

Anonymous said...

It would be so nice to be able to settle down! I hope it works out. But we'll miss having you so handy! Glad there's a campground nearby... it sounds fun to come over and camp for the weekend!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" is Mom... I bumped the wrong key and - there you are!

Anonymous said...

I will be sending up EXTRA prayers for you as your make your decision abut what is the best situation for all of many things to consider! I pray that the Lord will make your path straight (NO BUMPS). Read Proverbs 3:5-6 and hold it close in you heart as a matra. I know God will use you matter where you are planted, you will blossom!! :)
I would be remiss if I didn't pass on some info that came to me just a few months ago. Our friends, the Kalkbrenners, rented a mobile home for a couple of months in Florida last winter..planning to share with various family members and friends. Everyone got sick and Roger ended up in the ER for severe respiratory issues, headaches, lethargy, etc.The M.D. in the E.R. said that mobile homes are known to get mold easily. So if everything is perfect about location, having a yard for Anders to play in, more space and affordable...GO FOR IT.....BUT get a certified inspector come to check for MOLD and other construction issues before buying. After our "mold issue" in our home, I know it would be the first thing I would have tested.(**All homes (and outdoors as well )have some level of mold...but it is a matter of how high the concentration and whether it is common mold or toxic.
However, if one is sensitive to mold, even common, non-toxic mold can be a real problem for a sensitive person. They have a lot of certified people now that do these house inspections...if they are good and thorough, they can culture and come up with the answers you need. OR, I could come out and be a "mold sniffer" since I am so sensitive now after my long exposure! :) Heh! I may have a new career in my future...I kind of like the sound of it! :) It would sure be a conversation starter at a party!! :)Good luck to you in you search...I will pray that God will go before you and lead the way.

Love You Bunches,
Gma Jensen