I am feeling very cooped up today! Lately instead of putting Anders down for a consistent nap I've been running around during the day. He usually falls asleep in the car and I get a change of scenery. We've been going to the library, the pet store, Target, anywhere I can think of to just get out. Now, there are a few bad things about this habit. The first is that I'm tempted to spend unnecessary money. The second is that I tend to eat fast food if I'm out during a meal time. The third problem is that Anders gets used to sleeping in the car not in his bed for naps. So he's been having major trouble napping if we happen to be home.
So I've devoted today to staying home during the major part of the day so that Anders will get two good naps and so I can do some much needed deep cleaning. It has been fairly productive. I've scrubbed the bathrooms and tidied the living room and this morning a 45 minute nap was accomplished and as of right now he's been asleep since 2:20 (it's 3:48)! Yay!
Tonight we'll pack a dinner and go check on my folks house since they're on a little vacation. I'll water their flowers and Anders can play with the special grandma toys. That will give us both something to do that doesn't cost money or clog arteries.