Wednesday, November 09, 2005

O.K. I just needed to post something new. The Halloween picture was getting a little old and... a bit creepy.

Sad news...... our dear and loyal family dog Brittney (a very sweet Brittney spaniel) has gone on to the land of endless table scraps and raw hide bones.
I haven't written about it until now because, frankly I wasn't quite able to. Although she was a stinky outdoor dog she was much loved and fawned over during her happy life.

Originally she was brought home as a puppy to be a hunting companion for my dad. She got outfitted with little booties to protect her paws from the sharp brush, she had hours of specific hunting dog training including one un-orthodox method of teaching her to "whoah" (stop) which included rigging her to a tree and pulling her up off the ground and then putting her down slowly while saying "whoah". (I'm sure the neighbors had some fun stories to share with each other). I have to say that we all benefited from her meticulous training. She was a very pleasant and well behaved dog..... usually.

After all the attention and care she recieved regarding hunting it turned out that she had hip displatia and and an allergy to fleas that cut her promising hunting career short. In the end she found her place in our family as a little personality that knew how to work the system.
Some of her favorite past times were, running into the house when she thought nobody was looking, chewing on ice, sitting contentedly next to one of her "people", chewing rawhide, inhaling scraps thrown to her during dinner, getting groomed by Erin, shadowing dad or any one of us through windows in the house, barking at people walking by, walks in the hills, walks anywhere, waiting for directions from dad, getting scratched on the belly.

She will always be remembered with fondness.


Anonymous said...

What a nice tribute to little ole' Brittany. She was a very good and loyal dog and she added a lot to our family. We miss her! Dogs don't live long enough.

Erin said...

Good job capturing our little darling. :) She was such a fun, spirted doggy, and we will all miss her!

Nathan said...

She was a sweetie and an important part of your family.

ShackelMom said...

A good dog deserves a tombstone with kind words. I keep thinking I will have one made for Indy, "A good Dog and Faithful Friend" or something... Maybe writing about them in a blog is a step in that direction. Brittany was indeed a good dog and she had a long and happy life.

P.S. Yeah, I was getting a little creeped out by that picture too! :-)

David Cho said...

Ah c'mon. I loved that picture.

Ahh.. about the doggy. I can't even begin to imagine the feeling of losing one. Thanks for the beautiful post.