Saturday, January 14, 2006

Today my roomie of over a year moved out. Everything was amiable but she wanted to start saving money for her wedding in May. She moved home to live (for free) with the folks. I have to say that she was probably one of my favorite roommates that I've had over the years.
The fun part of this situation is that now I get the whole house to myself until March. So between now and then I will be attacking every corner and making it ready for Chris to move in.
My biggest project will be my room. I have been pretty spoiled over the years because I havn't had to share a room with anybody, so it has kind of gotten out of control. The rest of my house is kept fairly neat, besides a couple of piles of important papers and the chinchilla dust that somehow keeps flying out of the cage, I live in a comfortable environment.

The thing that really made me take stock of my out-of-control bedroom was when my mom came over a couple of weeks ago to nurse me back to health from a very bad case of food poisening.
I was lying on my bed (which happens to be an air mattress).... a very nice one I might add.... And my mom brought a chair into my room to chat with me in my weakened state. I didn't have the strength to try and divert her to another room so that she wouldn't have to lay eyes on my crazy mess, so she sat in the midst of piles of clothes and random but useful knick knacks.
While we were talking I looked over and there hanging from the switch on my lamp, was an argyle knee sock. Now, there was a reason it was hanging there. I had taken my clothes from the dryer the day before and the sock had been a little damp still. In the moment I had looked around and the most logical spot to hang it to dry was on the lamp switch. The problem was that it just added to the colorful and confusing chaos. My mom's eyes followed mine to the guilty sock and we ended up laughing about the silliness of the situation.
Alas, my room will no longer be my own soon and it is time to grow up and find a place for the argyle knee sock and homeless clothes. I knew the day would come.


Friar Tuck said...

This is a fun story.

The knee sock thing anyway.

Gretchen said...

It's a bit embarassing but overall I think it's funny. Actually, when my mom saw the sock the first thing she asked was, "are you going to blog about this?" So I just had to. =0)

David Cho said...

I can relate except that the whole house is a mess even though I got two roommates!

ShackelMom said...

Yep, marriage will change your life, and usually for the better, characterwise... sigh. :-) I love the story, however! Really funny! And we have a lamp like that in our house in Bend (minus the sock)! I am sorry you were so sick! But glad you have such a great Mom to come over and take care of you even though you are grown up. A rare and wonderful thing!

Friar Tuck said...

I have this rule generally that mom needs to stay out of my room at my house....but the door is usually open and the computer is in there so....

Gretchen said...

It sounds like it's hard to keep your room from being the place to hang out. That's what happens if the computer is in there!

Erin said...

Hilarious story, GG! ;)

MZPEACH said...
