Tuesday, February 19, 2008

O.K. so I have to address a MAJOR pet peeve. During this political season I have been hearing from a few people that I respect, some pretty big scare tactic stories. In this case about Barack Obama. These stories have been sent out on the internet at different times and they are easily tracked by using snopes.com or politifact.com. The thing that bugs me the most is that it makes (in this case) Christians or conservatives which ever comes first, seem really naive, alarmist, judgmental, uneducated, blind, let's see.... I'm sure there are even more adjectives.

The incident that pushed me over the edge was this past Saturday. I was chatting with a client about the current political possibilities and the subject of Barack Obama came up. Now, I'm pretty conservative and although I like Obama as a person I don't agree with most of his political views and I most likely won't vote for him. So that aside, this person says, "you know that Barack Obama was sworn into the Senate using the Koran". My response was "Hmm that's odd because he professes to be a born again Christian." She came back with a very assured "well he did!" At that moment I couldn't research it but I had a feeling that if it were true there would be A LOT more drama. So I googled it when I got home and OF COURSE IT'S NOT TRUE! The other story that is circulating is that he is a radical Muslim in disguise. So, let's not make fools of Christianity or ourselves. Research "factual" e-mails. Don't believe everything you hear without checking the facts.


Nathan said...

this is so ridiculous. glad you gave the snopes address. i will be voting for Obama and to hear rumors floating around for any political candidate is just so disappointing...call me an idealist.


Unknown said...

Wow, this is so annoying! Can you say "paranoia?"

Luke said...

thanks for bring this up gretchen! so glad to hear someone saying, "just the facts" in this chaotic he-said-she-said atmosphere. blegh!! Being armed with truth, you can shoot down foolish rumors. (c:

ShackelMom said...

Amen! The stupid, chicken little stuff that is passed around on the internet (and actually believed) by 'Christians' is so embarrassing. Who writes this kind of nonsense? And it's not just about political candidate...

Gretchen said...

Aunt Luanne, that is true about all of the various scary, silly e-mails. My favorites are the "if you don't send this to 10 people you won't be blessed!" Or whatever the threat. It's sad that people believe so readily.

Laurel said...

I could not agree with your annoyance more. I too had someone declare to me that Obama was a Muslim. They were quite sure of it because they had received an email from someone (who had received it from someone who had received it from someone...). I immediately headed to my computer to do the same thing that you did. I realize I probably shouldn't care so much considering I can't vote in this election but it's annoying to have inaccurate information being passed along.