Monday, January 28, 2008

Today is one of those perfect blustery days that feels like fall in any state other than California. The wind is blowing it's cold (brisk 53 degrees), and the leaves are gold, red, and brown. The sky is a clear blue with big puffy white clouds edged with gray and in the distance you can see the mountains covered in snow. This kind of day is rare and glorious and usually only comes after a lot of rain which we've had for the past week.
Because of this I took Anders to the park and he ran and threw leaves and pine cones and the wind whipped his hair all around. He looked so rosy and happy it made me want to move somewhere cold just so that I could see that picture more often.
I had a goose hiss at me. Did you know that Geese can hiss? It's pretty creepy sounding. The geese at this particular park are very aggressive and we've been chased before for not producing bread or not producing it fast enough or for running out. Scary stuff.
Anyways, we're trying to get lots of energy out before more rain comes again. Which we are hoping for!
This Thursday Chris' dad is coming out to visit and we are really looking forward to spending some quality time with him. He stays until Monday and then on Wednesday Anders and I fly out to Texas to visit my sisters and to attend the wedding of my cousin Chad. It's so fun that he is getting married to a Dallas native. It looks like it will be a nice family reunion.
I'm dreading the flight with a toddler but I'm hoping to find a portable dvd player to borrow and I'm sure I'll bring some kind of sleepy juice (ie benadryl) just in case. I'm sure I'll share my experience when it's all over!


Erin said...

We can't wait to have you here! And Anders is soooo cute in that jacket!

Laurel said...

Now when you say you'd like to move somewhere cold, you're not referring to Canadian cold are you? We've regularly been in the minus 40 to 50 degree Celcius with the wind chill for the past couple of weeks. Don't you miss Canada?

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Laura Ellen said...

Hi Gretchen! I've been out of blog touch for a while. I like your picture of little Yoda in the rain. I, too, have been hissed at by a goose!