Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So, I got to go to the K.D. Lang concert on Sunday night. That was really amazing and I really enjoyed the music. It's been quite a while since I have seen a concert and this one was one of the best that I've seen. It was put on by KCRW the NPR station for L.A., and the auditorium seats about 500. I was on the far left in the front so my view of the stage was pretty decent. It was really informal and the band did some "old timey" music with the 40's style mic and a hand accordion as well as some banjo, stand up base, and dulcimer. It was very eclectic.
Of course Chris was helping to man the sound booth so I didn't get to sit with him which was a bummer but we were able to enjoy it together anyways.

There has been  a fire burning in Porter Ranch (maybe 10 miles from us) since yesterday and last night there was some concern that the wind might pick it up and bring it our way. Luckily things stayed fairly calm and we didn't have to evacuate at 3 in the morning. I had bags packed just in case. Now we're just hoping things stay calm and contained because if the wind picks up the fire will spread even faster. It's already burned well over 1000 acres.
I'm sure I'll post something if things change.

By the way, if you would like to follow my blog click on the "follow blog" in the top left corner. Thanks!


Heidi said...

That is so dramatic. I've been wondering what the evacuation status is. Thanks for the update.

Friar Tuck said...

Skilled picture taking.

Gretchen said...

Unfortunately these were not taken by me! Luckily we weren't close enough to the fire to see the flames. We're just breathing the smoke.

Unknown said...

Wild pictures, Gretchen. Wow. So glad you didn't have to evacuate. :-( We'll be praying you don't have to!